Some of you read this just about every week. Some of you read this every once in a while. Some of you just stumbled upon this by accident today. Send us a postcard. PLEASE! You don't have to say much, just a little "Hello" would be enough. Adding what you're reading would be of great interest to us as well!! Send your postcard to:
Marble Public Library
PO Box 409
Marble, MN 55764
The theme for the summer reading program is One World, Many Stories and it might amaze our patrons how far away our fellow readers travel/live/go. I'll get a picture of the two of us (sorry, Tanja) and our wall space before and after. Hopefully there will be a big difference. Won't this be fun?? I already dropped off my postcard from Hollywood where I finished reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel.
When on vacation, I always look around and see what other people are reading. It's interesting to me what others have selected for their travels. Watching commuters in New York City reading various books/magazines/newspapers; many of them written in other languages, fascinates me. I love walking through an airport and seeing what books people are poring over. There's nothing better than a walk past a crowded pool and seeing all those sun worshippers with a novel next to their big bottles of water.
Why do we choose the books we choose for vacations? Some put off books they've heard great reviews of until they're able to devote some uninterrupted time to it. Some pull out the trashy novels that they wouldn't be caught dead reading in front of people they know. Some bring along those lengthy tomes that they would otherwise put off reading. I personally have grabbed books from all of those categories for various trips. It's rare that I bring a library book with me. The chance that I may lose or in some way destroy a book that doesn't belong to me is too great. The excuse to get a book that is all mine is such a rarity, it's hard to pass up. Finding a book for vacation is one of the best parts of getting ready for vacation. I love to peruse book sales for that reason. Many libraries have used books for sale, and that's a great place to look. You just never know what you might find.
Drop us a line, let us know what book you chose for your travels. Give us a clue as to how you came to be reading that title. You don't have to go on vacation, send us a postcard from your hometown post office. I kind of think Marble doesn't have postcards for sale with the town name on them. If your town is like Marble (or is Marble) you could just take a picture, print it on heavier paper, and add the address and a stamp to the back right side of the photo. You don't even have to sign your name, but we'd love it if you did. If you don't, just close with a . . .
Wish you were here! Happy Reading!
If it isn't too much trouble, drop a postcard in the mail for the Coleraine Library. (I work there too--I do love working in libraries!!)
Coleraine Public Library
P.O. Box 225
Coleraine, MN 55722