Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Reading Program, Day One

Today we made passports for our imaginary or hoped for travels around the world. I brought in my own passport as a show and tell for those who had never seen one before. There were a lot of questions, and it was a lot of fun! It's kind of amazing the places people want to travel to--places I'd like to go that they wouldn't and vice versa.

It was interesting to see what the kids chose for destinations they'd like to travel to in the future. I had a few world atlases for them to look through. Madagascar and Ecuador where two places chosen by one boy. I appreciated his choices, they are a lot more interesting than the Florida/Disney World type selections made by others. Given the option to pick where ever in the world they want to go, I like when they pick something extraordinary. If you're going to dream, you might as well dream big.

We also had the first meeting of the tween book club. It was pretty interesting. For our first meeting there were 5 members sitting around the table with me. A couple of them had only read up to page 50 (like I told them they'd have to do if they wanted a cookie). It didn't really matter, those that hadn't read the book had seen the movie and were kind of able to discuss the book. It became apparent to them after a bit that there are some differences between the two and they will have to read the book to find out what happens. I didn't finish it either, so I'll be doing that this afternoon (I fell asleep while reading last night--but it's such a good book, I didn't want to put it down!) In two weeks we'll be discussing The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Now there's a book discussion that won't be helped much by watching the movie.

We're still hoping for some postcards. I just hung the postcards up yesterday, and the kids have been pretty fascinated with them. We've gotten four, and would really like to get some more. Drop a line and tell us what you're reading. Save yourself some postage and drop them off in person. If that's not possible, our address is:

Marble Public Library

PO Box 409

Marble, MN 55764

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ~Seneca

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