I had an interesting discussion this afternoon with one of our younger patrons about movies based on books.
"It was like they only read the summary for The Lightning Thief."
Can't say that I've seen the movie, but the book was good. I've heard that the book and movie differ quite a bit. I did read and watch How To Train Your Dragon--those were two totally different stories.
"Every book I've ever read that has been turned into a movie: the book is waaayyyyyyyy better."
Although that is often the case, I can't say that every book is waaaaayyyyyy better than the movie.
"The book is ALWAYS better than the movie!"
There have been some books that I've struggled through (Friday Night Lights) and have thought the movie was better. (Of course, I haven't actually seen the movie--but it would certainly take less time to finish the movie than the book.)
It was getting to be a heated discussion.
"They did good with Harry Potter though, stayed pretty true to the story-line."
It's been a long time since I read and watched Harry Potter, so I couldn't reply to that statement.
"I like the Wizard of Oz movie better than the book."
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Maybe it was for this young adult, but I much preferred the book to the movie.
It was interesting to have this discussion with a person under the age of eighteen. It was interesting that he'd read enough and seen enough to draw the same conclusion many book lovers come to; namely, that the book is better than the movie. Any kid can find movies based on books. It isn't hard to find kids who have seen many of those movies. It's a bit more rare to run into kids who have also read the book. It's seems almost impossible sometimes with all the bad press kids get about their lack of reading to find kids who often read the book before or after seeing the movie, and for the kid to see how amazing a book can be compared to what you watch on a screen. There are lots of kids around who have see How To Train Your Dragon, and there are quite a few who have read the book. It makes for an interesting conversation. I highly recommend it!
As long as we're on the subject of movies. . .
When your child comes to the library and decides to check out a rated R movie, we can not prevent them from checking it out. As much as we may want to, we can't. According to the American Library Association Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights in reference to Access for Children and Young Adults to Nonprint Materials:
Parents—and only parents—have the right and responsibility to restrict access of their children—and only their children—to library resources. Parents who do not want their children to have access to certain library services, materials, or facilities should so advise their children. Librarians and library governing bodies cannot assume the role of parents or the functions of parental authority in the private relationship between parent and child.
Hunh, couldn't have said it better myself.
When your child comes to the library and decides to check out a rated R movie, we can not prevent them from checking it out. As much as we may want to, we can't. According to the American Library Association Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights in reference to Access for Children and Young Adults to Nonprint Materials:
Parents—and only parents—have the right and responsibility to restrict access of their children—and only their children—to library resources. Parents who do not want their children to have access to certain library services, materials, or facilities should so advise their children. Librarians and library governing bodies cannot assume the role of parents or the functions of parental authority in the private relationship between parent and child.
Hunh, couldn't have said it better myself.
Because movie people slaughter a book so often I will choose to do one or the other seldom both.
ReplyDeleteAsk Tanya about Cold Blood LOL
Ok, since Holly had to bring "In Cold Blood" up, that is a movie and a book where I can honestly say, that it is not my cup of tea, and it will not hold my interest. But of course, I need some of these titles too, because how else will I fall asleep?